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Every grower and gardener has to deal with the problem of creeping or flying pests. Today we will share with you a memo on the fight against spider mites.

How to recognize spider mite? It is not at all as “quiet” as it seems at first glance. He eats plants without too much noise, but the leaves dry, the buds fall off very noticeably. It can also be identified by the appearance of brown spots and slow plant growth. He especially loves tomatoes.

You should know that the spider mite is very persistent, a whole system is needed in the fight against it, so one treatment is simply not enough. Special preparations – acaricides – can cope with it. The concentration must be strictly observed, since if the dose is reduced, there will be no effect. The second spraying should be carried out in a week.

The spider mite goes through different stages of development from egg to adult with a total cycle of 20 days. Therefore, treatment should be carried out 3-4 times with an interval of 3-5 days in order to destroy those individuals that were missed. Otherwise, the tick will return very quickly.

This mite spends most of its life on the underside of the leaf, so you should walk there more carefully and until the leaf plate is completely wetted. Also, under the influence of light, any preparation can decompose, so it is better to carry out the treatment in the late afternoon, and if indoors, then with the backlights turned off.

After processing, it is better to close the greenhouse for 4 – 6 hours, and then ventilate and turn on the lamps, if any.

The mite breeds best when the room is dry, so we advise you to put a humidifier or spray the plants, not forgetting the underside of the leaves. Before processing at the end of summer, you should first harvest, and after processing, new fruits should be removed only after 5 days. Therefore, we recommend only biological products so that there are no chemistry on your table!

By the way, soap solutions can only temporarily reduce the number of pests.

spider mite treatment
spider mite treatment

It is best to treat with different active ingredients in turn, with an interval of 7-10 days.

There is also a folk remedy against a harmful tick – this is tobacco. You just need to pour tobacco dust with wood ash into water, add tar oil, let it stand for a day and spray it. The leaves of the plants may dry out a little, but this is not scary. The main thing is that this method does not allow new mites to appear.

Be patient in the fight against the spider mites, and they will definitely retreat!