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The arrangement of the greenhouse inside is of great importance for a good result. After all, in order to achieve an excellent harvest, one must not only monitor the condition of the beds and the time of planting. Creating the right greenhouse conditions is an important step in obtaining a consistent harvest. The interior arrangement of the greenhouse takes time. You need to know how to properly water the plants, heat them, at what distance the beds should be, and much more. The correct layout in the greenhouse will greatly simplify the work with plants.

How to equip a greenhouse interior, where to start?

1. Create the beds

Correctly placed beds will help you equip your greenhouse in the right way. Many people think that the beds can be arranged as you like, as long as it is beautiful and convenient to harvest. But it is not so. If the beds are arranged at random, the crop may not grow at all.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences J. Mitlider suggested a convenient way to arrange a greenhouse inside. For optimal growth and development of plants, the width of the beds should be 90 cm. The width between the beds is 45 cm. This distance allows the plants to receive as much air and light as they need for their quick and correct ripening.

ClimaPod greenhouse interior example
ClimaPod greenhouse interior example

There is another option for decorating the beds. The beds can be beautifully arranged to the cardinal points. Many gardeners arrange their beds from north to south, which is correct. But it turns out that this arrangement is not suitable for all plants. The location of the beds from west to east is the most advantageous setting. In this case, ultraviolet rays from morning to evening fully illuminate the plants, which allows them to develop much faster.

2. Make a path

After all the issues have been resolved with the beds, it is necessary to correctly create a path between the beds. The setting of paths can be in the center and parallel to the beds.

How to make a path centered:

  • if the greenhouse is small, then the distance from one end of the greenhouse to the other is simply measured, and a path is made in the center;
  • if the passage is laid in the center, respectively, the beds will be on the sides;
  • the width of the central aisle must be at least 50 cm.

Principles for creating parallel tracks:

  1. Parallel paths are recommended to be made of gravel or bricks. This is done on purpose so that the material is not slipping.
  2. For large greenhouses, parallel paths are advised. The main thing is to create multiple tracks. And the beds will look beautiful between the paths.

During harvesting, very often soil falls from the beds onto the paths. Accordingly, to prevent this from happening, you need to fence the paths. There are many ways to fence paths. But the simplest and most convenient is boarding. Before placing the boards, they are treated with special agents that protect the wood from fungi and decay. The height of the boards should be 3 cm higher than the ground level.

3. Build ventilation and heating

Almost all greenhouse buildings have doors and vents. This means that ventilation can be carried out independently. The main thing is to open and close the vents and doors in a timely manner. This option is suitable for those who do not want to spend money on the purchase of special devices for ventilation of greenhouses. There will be expenses only for the purchase of a thermometer to determine temperature and an instrument to detect air humidity. However, if you find it difficult to constantly check the condition of the greenhouse, you will have to install an automated system.

The automation system in the greenhouse is very easy to install. Moreover, for each cultivated crop, it becomes possible to adjust the microclimate that it needs for full-fledged cultivation.

If the greenhouse is made of polycarbonate, then the heating is carried out under the influence of sunlight. But in cold weather, when there is no sun, the greenhouse is not heated. Then you have to resort to stove heating. One of the most effective heating options is the installation of a warm floor. The creation of such a floor will not only warm the greenhouse from the inside, but will also help create favorable heating of the beds.

4. Install shelving

The interior arrangement can be diversified with shelves. It is very convenient to grow plants on shelves. They help to save space, look aesthetically pleasing. Productivity will improve markedly if you place several tiers at once in the greenhouse.

The racks should not be too high, otherwise the light will not reach other plants. The racks should be conveniently located, at about human eye level.

Stick to this plan when creating your greenhouse interior for better results!