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Defining the main tasks of the greenhouse will help you make the right choice. Surely, everyone who is looking for a greenhouse understands why he/she needs it and for what purposes he/she will use it.

Greenhouse Tasks

However, before you begin to deal with the advantages and disadvantages of different materials and shapes, it is necessary to very clearly outline the tasks assigned to the greenhouse. For some summer residents, it will be enough for it to look cute and look good on the site. Those who consider the structure as a basis for business or help in the household, although they will pay attention to the appearance of the structure, they will not focus on it when choosing a greenhouse.

Usually people set up greenhouses to grow vegetables and berries for their own consumption, but some gardeners plan to do business on this in the future.

ClimaOrb Display Model
ClimaOrb Display Model

 If in the first case the financial investments are not so significant, then in the second they will become a serious investment, on the size of which maintenance costs will largely depend.

Another question requiring a clear answer is the type of greenhouse model: collapsible or stationary. If you visit your garden all year round and are not afraid that in your absence someone might damage or even steal the structure (and this happens), it is better to choose a stationary model – there is less trouble with it. A collapsible greenhouse is ideal for those who visit the site only in warm weather. The greenhouse requires assembly and disassembly twice a year.

The choice of certain parameters of the greenhouse also depends on what kind of plants you will grow, because each crop has its own requirements for lighting and humidity levels. The height of the greenhouse also depends on the characteristics of the plants. For example, for tomatoes and other tall crops, it is better to choose a rectangular structure.