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Work on planting vegetables and green crops begins in February in a heated greenhouse. Things are different with an unheated greenhouse: at that time, the temperature in it is about the same as outside. However, there is work at any time of the year. Ours care calendar for unheated glass/polycarbonate greenhouse for the whole year will come in handy for you to properly care for your greenhouse.

We have compiled a hint table, which lists the main work and care in an unheated greenhouse in the form of a calendar by months.

MonthList of works
JanuaryContinue to periodically clean the roof of the greenhouse from snow – this measure will help to avoid deformation of the frame and cracks in the coating.  Snow cover must be removed not only from the roof, but also from the area around the greenhouse, so that the snow does not press on the walls of the structure and the precipitation falling from the roof has somewhere to go.  Shovel snow into the greenhouse
FebruaryMake minimal repairs to the greenhouse: fix or replace parts that have broken over the winter. Lubricate the nodes and mechanisms, treat the metal parts of the greenhouse where rust has occurred. If small cracks or holes appear on the polycarbonate, seal them with silicone sealant or hot glue
MarchWash the greenhouse if you didn’t do it in the fall. Grate half a bar of laundry soap and dissolve the shavings in 12 liters of warm water. First, wash off large dirt with a stream of water. Then, using a soft cloth, wash the roof, walls, and frame inside the greenhouse with soapy water. After that, wash the structure from the outside. Disinfect the soil if you didn’t manage to do it in the fall
AprilApply organic fertilizers (compost, rotted manure, etc.) at the rate of 1.5-2 buckets per 1 sq.m of area. Dig up the soil. In early April, sow cold-resistant crops: radishes, spinach, parsley, dill, lettuce. In the beginning – the middle of the month, start sowing early white and cauliflower, as well as root celery, for seedlings. Transfer the seedlings to the greenhouse for hardening off. If a cold snap is planned, install arcs and cover the seedling boxes with agrofibre for the night. In addition, put bottles of hot water inside the shelter. At the end of April, if warm weather has set in and the temperature in the greenhouse during the day is around 25 ° C, and at night it does not fall below 10-12 ° C, plant seedlings of heat-loving crops (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant) in the greenhouse)
MayIn many regions at this time the sun heats up quite strongly, so you need to think about shading the greenhouse. This can be done using a special mesh, spunbond, polypropylene fabric or sun shades. If the weather is sunny, ventilate the greenhouse.  Sow seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, gourds for open ground. Do not forget about feeding the growing seedlings. At the end of the month, when the threat of frost has passed, transplant nightshade seedlings from the greenhouse to open beds. Harvest radishes and herbs. When insect pests appear, immediately start fighting them or carry out the first preventive treatment of plantings with biological preparations
JuneVentilate the greenhouse regularly. Don’t forget to tie up growing vegetables. Carry out planting. All crops during this period especially need regular watering and top dressing. Maintain the required soil moisture by mulching. Harvest ripe crops
JulyWatch the microclimate inside the greenhouse, do not allow excessive temperature rise, ventilate the room. Spend pinching the side shoots of cucumbers and pinching tomatoes. Harvest these crops
AugustIn August, there is a mass ripening of vegetable crops. Harvest regularly and in a timely manner to prevent overripe vegetables. Sow radishes and greens that will ripen in autumn
SeptemberAfter a cold snap, move the unripe vegetables in the open field to the greenhouse and dig in there
OctoberDuring a cold snap, protect vegetables and green crops still growing in the greenhouse with a layer of any covering material. In the first half of October, to combat diseases and pests, the spores and larvae of which hibernate in the soil, add any plant protection biological product to the soil. This must be done before the onset of frost, because. at temperatures below 10 ° C, biological products cease to act
NovemberClear the greenhouse of plant debris, remove the bed fences and remove the irrigation system. Using soapy water, thoroughly wash the inside and outside of the coating material and the metal frame of the greenhouse. If you did not disinfect the soil in October, now it can be done in the following ways: the easiest option is to spray the greenhouse with a solution of copper sulfate (200 g diluted in 15 liters of water). Another way is to disinfect an empty greenhouse with sulfur bombs. However, remember that it is impossible to use sulfur bombs in greenhouses with a metal frame – first cover all the metal with grease. Some summer residents remove the top layer of soil every few years (about 15 cm) and replace it with a new, healthy one
DecemberIn order to avoid deformation of the frame during snowfalls, reinforce it. To do this, make wooden supports in the shape of the letter T. Wrap their top crossbar with a soft cloth so as not to scratch the polycarbonate. After manufacturing, dig in the supports in the greenhouse at a distance of 1 m from each other so that the roof of the greenhouse rests on them. They will strengthen the structure and support the roof. Regularly clean the snow from the roof. If there is not much, just tap on the frame. If there is a lot of snow, sweep away the snow with a soft broom or a long-handled brush. Metal scrapers to remove snow from a polycarbonate or glass greenhouse cannot be used