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Greenhouses were invented in order to create the necessary microclimate for growing plants, regardless of the weather outdoor. This microclimate includes an appropriate temperature and humidity regime that is optimal for specific crops. Temperature control is carried out by heating and ventilation, so in greenhouses there are always opening vents. But the owner cannot open or close them all the time, it is better to organize automatic control of the windows by installing automatic window opener.

Industrial greenhouses are usually equipped with special ventilation systems, and small greenhouses in their summer cottages are replaced by simple ventilation. If in summer fresh air is accessed to the greenhouses almost constantly, then the colder it is on the street, the stricter it is necessary to monitor the opening of the window leaves and the air temperature in the greenhouse. For this purpose, special machines have been created.

In accordance with the technology used, they are of three types:

  • electric;
  • hydraulic;
  • bimetallic.

The easiest to install and operate electrical automatic devices for opening windows. They consist of a temperature sensor and an electric motor. As soon as the temperature rises to the indicated level, the engine is activated by the sensor, which drives the window. When the temperature drops to the desired level, the reverse process occurs. The only drawback of such a device is the requirement of constant power supply, not all greenhouses are provided with it.

operation of the hydraulic temperature controller (automatic window opener)
operation of the hydraulic temperature controller (automaic opener)

Hydraulic AWO are reliable and very simple. Tanks filled with liquids respond to temperature increase by increasing pressure (when the fluid expands), the hydraulic mechanism is activated and the window opens. With decreasing temperature, the pressure drops, and the window closes.

The bimetallic lever works by raising the window, because different metals expand at different temperatures, this is the basis of its action. The only bad thing is that such machines are designed for low weight, they can not cope with a glazed transom.

Automatic Window Opener Installation

If the gardener acquires a factory device that will automatically open the window in the greenhouse, then installing it with your own hands will not be difficult, strictly adhering to the attached instructions. But there are moments not indicated in the instructions. For example, even at the stage of the construction of the greenhouse, you need to consider the location of transoms and doors – they are not made on the same wall. The vents do not need to be placed on the side from which a strong wind usually blows; it is generally better to arrange them from above.

Lightweight automatic machines can be mounted directly on the window, and heavier ones are mounted on the frame elements of greenhouses, it would be nice to know the weight of the device in advance, check its placement options. The vents need to be equipped with special tapes (ropes, chains), which will not allow too much to open, but will fix a certain opening angle.

All such devices depend on temperature, you need to know that it is the air temperature in the greenhouse that is measured, and not the heating of the device itself – you may need to hide the machine from direct sunlight.