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A polycarbonate greenhouse is an ideal place for growing vegetables, herbs and berries. But only if the plants are properly cared for. Even with strict observance of the temperature regime and constant monitoring of humidity, it will be difficult for you to get a high yield without enriching the soil with mineral and organic compounds. Let’s find out what fertilizers your greenhouse vegetables need.

Properly selected fertilizers make up for the deficiency of micro- and macroelements in the soil. Strengthen the immunity of horticultural crops, stimulate their growth and block the development of diseases. Thus, soil fertility is maintained and the productivity of the most “capricious” varieties of cucumbers and tomatoes increases.

How to feed cucumbers with fertilizers in a greenhouse

Juicy, crispy cucumbers are a real table decoration and the dream of any amateur gardener. The alternation of different types of top dressing will preserve the vitamin value of the product and raise the yield to a qualitatively new level.

Potassium nitrate

It is very popular with gardeners, as it is one of the safest fertilizers (does not contain chlorine). Regulates metabolic processes, “waking up” the root system of the plant. Promotes rapid absorption of soil moisture. Activates the growth of green mass. Improves the taste and shape of the vegetable. Used in dry or liquid form.


A granulated mineral product with a high concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur. It is used as a complex method of supporting horticultural crops. Suitable for feeding all varieties of cucumbers. When placed in the grooves between the rows, it contributes to the uniform distribution of nutrients both on the soil surface and inside the root layer.

Wood ash

A universal food that strengthens the roots and shoots of cucumber seedlings, but in fact – the ashes left after the burning of organic waste: branches, old trees, straw, tops. Contains at least 5% potassium. Prepared according to the recipe: 1 cup of sifted powder in a bucket of hot water. The mixture is infused for a couple of days in warmth, after which it is used for irrigation.


Absolutely natural fertilizer based on baker’s yeast, which you can prepare yourself. Saturates the soil with amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates and B vitamins, and also protects against pests. Recipe: Place 500 g of live yeast in 10 liters of warm water, insist until signs of fermentation and water 2-3 times per season.

Types of fertilizers for greenhouse tomatoes

Most nightshades (including tomatoes) need nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium supplements found in natural or synthetic fertilizers. We list the most common options for feeding tomatoes in greenhouse conditions.


Produced in the form of easily soluble granules or gray powder. The main component is phosphorus, nitrogen inclusions are present. It speeds up the emergence of seedlings, improves the taste of fruits, increases resistance to viruses and diseases. It is introduced into the soil in early spring, followed by repeated watering 2 weeks after planting.


A chlorine-free product with a balanced multi-component composition, which eliminates the need to calculate the proportions of the elements. It acts instantly and has a prolonged effect. Does not harm human health. Recommended doses for covered soil: 10-20 g per 10 liters of water. Water throughout the growing season.

Boric acid

It is used at the initial stage of development of nightshade and after the appearance of fruits, with a break for the time of flowering of the plant. Prevents rotting, fights the spread of fungus, accelerates the rate of ripening of tomatoes. Spraying is carried out according to the scheme: dilute 5 g of boric acid in 10 liters of water and spend 50-100 ml of liquid per bush (or 1 liter per 10 sq. m of area).

Nettle infusion

Excellent prevention of phytophthora from a common weed, superior to many purchased drugs. Contains calcium, potassium, vitamins of groups B, A, E, K. It is best absorbed in the form of a solution that is used to treat the roots or spray the leaves, repeating the procedure once every 14 days. The recipe for the infusion: 1 kg of fresh herbs in 3 liters of warm water.

The nuances of feeding greenhouse vegetables with fertilizers

Growing vegetables in a confined space has its own characteristics, which, among other things, are expressed in fertilizer rates. The need of crops for additional stimulation is determined in two ways: with the help of professional research and visual, detailed examination of seedlings. The laboratory provides accurate and scientifically validated results.

But experienced gardeners know how to assess the condition of seedlings “by eye”:

  • Do cucumbers take on a yellowish tint and curve in a pear-shaped silhouette, gradually thickening towards the bottom? This means they are deficient in potassium. And if the shape of the fruit resembles an elongated carrot, then nitrogen.
  • A thinned main stem, combined with upturned leaves in tomatoes, indicates a lack of phosphorus.
  • Necrosis of roots and leaf margins, inflorescences affected by blossom end rot clearly warn of calcium deficiency.
  • Yellowing from the stem to the tips, stunting and the formation of many small flowers most often occurs with iron deficiency.

It is necessary to fertilize cucumbers and tomatoes in a greenhouse in four stages: a week after transplanting into the soil, at the beginning of flowering, during the formation of ovaries and at the end of the growing season. It is possible that your “wards” will need extraordinary intakes of vitamins and minerals. But remember that an overabundance of chemical compounds can adversely affect the quality of the harvest. Therefore, dose the drugs in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturers.

Conclusion: what fertilizers greenhouse vegetables need

Having studied all the subtleties of home farming, you can grow environmentally friendly, tasty and fragrant vegetables much earlier than your neighbors. Especially if you carry out gardening work in a reliable and durable greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate.