Temperature conditions in a polycarbonate greenhouse
Many gardeners use greenhouses for growing heat-loving plants. Of course, the main purpose of greenhouses is to create optimal conditions for certain types of plants. First of all, greenhouse owners pay great attention to air temperature, humidity levels and the absence of pests.
Polycarbonate greenhouses are in great demand. Polycarbonate is ideal for garden structures and has many noticeable advantages. First of all, strength and the ability to maintain the necessary conditions for plants. It is very easy to maintain the temperature regime in polycarbonate greenhouse.
Temperature recommendations
Air temperature is one of the main indicators responsible for the rate of growth and fruiting of plants. Therefore, you need to monitor it as carefully and as often as possible. And we recommend to adhere some basic rules also.
You should find out the optimal conditions for the sort of plants you going to grow. In the same greenhouse, you can grow all plants that need the same conditions for growth. In this case, you will receive an excellent harvest.
Keep in mind, in sunny weather, the temperature changes quite quickly depending on the time of day. You can easily check it with a thermometer and react in time.
Also, pay attention to the temperature around the soil and plant roots. It may differ from time to time.
Forced ventilation
The ventilation system in greenhouses deserves a separate discussion. Equip greenhouse with vents and windows to prevent hot air from stagnating.
ClimaOrb Greenhouse have an optimal number of windows for ventilation and a louver.
Regularly ventilate air inside the greenhouse and let the plants breathe. The frequency of airing depends on the variety of plants. Naturally, weather conditions also affect the ventilation frequency.
As you can see, greenhouse air temperature control is not a big trouble if you have well thought out greenhouse kit design. We hope you can follow our simple tips and your plants will be healthy!